What’s better than saving energy? Saving money while you do it! We’re here to help, with rebates on five popular energy-efficient products.
Think the only way to save energy is to knock out a wall or make major upgrades? Think again! These five products can be bought in the morning and installed in the afternoon.
Plus, they’re available at major home improvement retailers as well as local hardware stores — just look for the in-store PSO rebate stickers!
To take advantage of these three rebates below, all you have to do is submit a quick and easy online application.
ENERGY STAR® Certified Clothes Washer
Wash your clothes without wasting excess energy, with an energy-efficient option that uses 25% less energy and 33% less water.
PSO Rebate: $35
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ENERGY STAR® Certified Clothes Dryer
No use upgrading your washer without a dryer, right? Good thing these energy-efficient dryers use 20% less energy than standard models!
PSO Rebate: $35
Apply for rebate
ENERGY STAR® Certified Programmable Wi-Fi Thermostat
Dial up the savings with a smart thermostat that lets you adjust your home’s temperature from pretty much anywhere!
PSO Rebate: $75
Apply for rebate
Want to enjoy instant, in-store savings? You can take advantage of these two rebates below right at the checkout counter!
ENERGY STAR® Certified Room Air Conditioners
Bigger isn’t always better! A room A/C may be just what you need to dehumidify and cool down small spaces, like an office or garage apartment.
PSO Instant Rebate: $25
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ENERGY STAR® Certified Air Purifiers
Take your savings everywhere you go with these portable devices that remove particles from the air. Plus, you can breathe easier using 25% less energy than standard models!
PSO Instant Rebate: Up to $25
Find a participating retailer
Not only do we have these rebates above, but we have rebates for all sorts of projects. Big and small, check out them all!