As a business owner, electric should be on your radar. It’s important to consider the benefits of electrification as you plan for the future of your organization and its operations:
- Higher efficiency
- Lower maintenance costs
- Reduced greenhouse emissions
Electric cars get a lot of attention, but fundamental changes in how businesses use energy are happening. Electrification of technologies in factory automation, buildings, transportation and residential applications can help create a clear pathway for a low-carbon future.
Electric Options to Consider
Heat Pumps
Heat pumps are rapidly becoming the system of choice to provide all of the heating and cooling needs for new homes and businesses for many reasons, including the energy-efficiency benefits of transferring heat instead of making it.
Electric forklifts are a great option for lifting more while lowering costs. Benefits include increased productivity, lower fuel costs and zero emissions.
From truck refrigeration units to fleets of electric vehicles and buses, charging with electricity offers many advantages not available in conventional gasoline vehicles.
Electric infrared (IR) heating means curing and drying faster while lowering costs. Benefits include cutting your drying time in half, applying heat only on the zones you want and a smaller footprint — freeing up more work space.