Join the Clean Energy Revolution and Save like Never Before

Green Home

Living green doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, powering your home with wind energy and switching to electric vehicles has never been easier, especially with help from your pals at PSO!

Want to take advantage of the abundant opportunities, but don’t know where to start? Here’s how easy it is to live clean and go green.

Wind Is a Big Winner

Oklahoma is winning when it comes to wind. In 2019, we produced almost 35% of our electricity from wind, making us the third largest wind-producing state in the nation.

In fact, Oklahoma harnessed enough wind energy to power the equivalent of 2.6 million homes. (Oklahoma’s population is 3.9 million.) Want your home to be one of them?

How you can take advantage: Enroll in WindChoice and you can choose how much of your electricity you want to come from wind, up to 100%. The cost? Only about $0.0024 cents extra for every kilowatt hour purchased through WindChoice. Talk about a win-win-wind.

Electric Vehicles Are Charged for More Growth

Electric vehicle charging stations are popping up all across the state, including dozens throughout our service region. In fact, there’s a supercharger every 50 miles, making Oklahoma number three in the nation for superchargers behind only California and Washington. Yep, we have more superchargers than even mega-populated states New York and Texas. 

It’s no surprise that EV use is growing, as electric cars cost less than gas-powered cars to operate, are available in many popular makes and models, and can even be charged from home or work in minutes (meaning you don’t have to go to the gas station ever again). Ready to hop into one of your own?

How you can take advantage: Once you buy the EV of your dreams, PSO offers rebates of $200-$250 on qualifying ENERGY STAR®-certified electric vehicle Level 2 chargers. Rebates are only available while funds last, so don’t wait too long to take advantage of this opportunity.

Don’t miss out! Make the switch to wind energy and electric vehicles, and start saving energy like never before.