Play It Cool With These Simple Tips to Minimize Air Conditioning Costs

Home Heating and Cooling

Play it cool with these simple air cooling tips.

General Tips

  • Plant a deciduous shade tree near your home to control the amount of heat that reaches your house.
  • Increase your attic insulation if the joists are showing. Recommended level: R-38 or 10-16 inches blown.
  • Have your HVAC systems serviced or tuned-up annually to maximize efficiency and comfort.
  • Seal leaking ductwork throughout your home. Approximately 20% of air moving through duct systems is lost to leaks.
  • Check your HVAC filter every month, especially during the summer and winter. A dirty filter can shorten the life of the system.


  • Install a programmable thermostat; set it higher when you are away.
  • If you do not have a programmable thermostat, set your air conditioner just five degrees higher, and you can save 20% on cooling costs.
  • Install ceiling fans to circulate cool air throughout the house and maintain consistent temperatures.

Windows and Vents

  • Seal and weatherstrip around doors and windows. About 10-25% of energy used to cool homes escapes via leaks.
  • Shade your windows with light-colored shades to reflect heat.
  • Close draperies and shades on south-facing windows to block sunlight and heat during the day.
  • Install awnings on windows that get excessive sun in the late afternoon.
  • Move furnishings away from floor or return air vents.

Get started by understanding how your home uses energy. Explore PSO’s Energy Insights tool to track your usage, set goals to reduce monthly bills and find rebates to help you save even more.