Spring is here! If you’re like us, you’re ready to come out of hibernation and bask in warmer weather!
Doing some spring cleaning around your home? While you’re sprucing up your place, you can also improve your home’s energy efficiency too. You’ll make your house more comfy, save energy and money, and get a head start on one of the most active energy seasons of the year — summer. Plus, these tips are easy and inexpensive.
So be green with these five energy-saving, spring cleaning tips!
Switch your fans
Did you switch your ceiling fans to run clockwise in the winter to push air down? Good for you! Now it’s time to switch them to run counter-clockwise. Switching your fans to run counter-clockwise pulls warm air up and keeps A/C energy costs down. Pro Tip — wipe down the blades first so you don’t spread dust.
Reprogram your thermostat
Spring means longer days and warmer nights, so here’s a good rule of thumb — set your A/C to turn on at 78° and your furnace to kick in at 68°. Even better? Sign up for PSO Power Hours and get a $50 e-gift card when you enroll a Wi-Fi thermostat, plus a $25 e-gift card per registered thermostat at the end of the summer.
Keep your electronics away from your thermostat
Thermostats may get confused occassionally (yep, even smart thermostats). If it’s near electronics, it could think your home is warmer than it actually is and keep your A/C running longer than necessary. So, if you’re rearranging your furniture, make sure you keep your heat sources (like lamps and TVs) away from the thermostat.
Dust everything.
We do mean everything – Air vents, light bulbs, ceiling fan blades, baseboard, electronics…all of it. Each uses more energy when it’s covered in dust. Besides, Oklahoma is allergy headquarters, so more dust leads to more sniffling and sneezing. Be sure to open a door or window when cleaning to keep those dust bunnies gone for good.
Change to LED.
Hey, you’re dusting your lights anyway; why not replace your energy-draining bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs? In fact, LEDs use up to 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, so switching is a bright idea.
Feeling more ambitious? Go the extra step and weatherize your home. Our customers love PSO’s Home Weatherization Assistance because it helps keep their home more comfortable all year long. While we recommend weatherization for everyone, qualifying customers can also get this service for FREE! What could be better?
Spring into energy savings all year long with tips, rebates and more from your friends at PSO!