Oil and Gas

Oklahoma’s energy-producing industry is booming with energy-saving opportunities for oil and gas companies up and down the production stream. PSO has deep knowledge and extensive experience helping oil and natural gas producers in particular find substantial energy efficiencies. Let us help you put together a plan to upgrade your equipment and improve your energy practices to make your company both more efficient and more productive.

man in hard hat reading a gauge

Start Saving With an Energy Audit

Let our experienced oil and natural gas experts find ways to improve your energy efficiency and make your operation more productive than ever. In fact, we can help oil and gas producers save up to 30% of electrical energy for pumping, while increasing the productivity of each well.

Why You Should Take Advantage of the Energy-Savings Boom

Oil and Gas Upgrades

Artificial Lift

Rod lift systems are a critical component of the Artificial Lift. This technology is simple but can be an inefficient form of energy transfer, with system efficiency as low as 10%*. PSO can help you find more energy efficient ways to bring your oil to the surface without compromising your production. These methods include:

  • Pump Off Controllers
  • Variable Frequency Drives
  • Progressive Capacity Pumps
  • Electric Submersible Pumps (ESP)

Note: *Dependent on system and equipment conditions.

Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)

VFDs deliver precise control over the speed of the motor to match a given load, reducing wear and saving energy.

  • Annual energy savings of 60,000 — 100,000 kWh
  • PSO rebates of up to 75% installation costs
  • Simple payback in as little as 1-2 years
  • Reduced wear on the pump system/rod string
  • Minimal downtime for installation
  • Less downtime for maintenance/workover
  • Wide range of applications, including:
    • Rod beam pumps
    • Surface pumps
    • Compressors
    • Electric Submersible Pumps (ESP)

Note: Based on previously implemented projects data – actual results may vary.

Injection Pumps

Most oil producers need to inject fluid back into the ground from produced water, saltwater disposal, or water flooding. Inefficient systems not only waste energy but reduce the life of the equipment. Let PSO help you find the most energy efficient way to inject your fluids downhole and save your business money in the process. Here are a few examples that can bring very sizable savings:

Pump-Off Controllers (POCs)

Pump off controllers provide better control of the operating profile for rod lift systems, so your pump can operate more efficiently and with less wear on the system. A POC can help optimize run times and prolong the life of your equipment.


  • Average energy savings of 1,350 kWh/HP
  • PSO rebates of up to 75% installation costs
  • Simple payback in as little as 2 years
  • Reduced wear on the pump system/rod string
  • Minimal downtime

Note: Based on previously implemented projects data – actual results may vary.

High-Efficiency Electric Submersible Pumps (HE ESPs)

HE ESPs improve pumping efficiency, resulting in lower energy use and increased fluid production rate.

  • Average energy savings of 0.44 kWh/bbl produced
  • PSO rebates of up to 75% installation costs
  • Simple payback in as little as 2 years
  • Prolongs life of equipment due to less wear on the pump itself

Note: Based on previously implemented projects data – actual results may vary.

Contact Us

Take the first step toward efficiency by filling out the form below. One of our energy experts will get in touch with you to answer your questions and help you find savings.

"*" indicates required fields

Explore Additional Rebates

PSO offers a variety of rebates for homes and businesses. See all the ways you can save energy and money.

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