Cache Public Schools Cash In With Peak Savings

Business Heating and Cooling, Business Lighting and Electronics

Founded in 1902, the Cache Public School District encompasses more than 250 square miles in southwestern Oklahoma. With five school buildings housing nearly 1,500 students, load shedding is a newfound priority for district administrators

To reduce energy costs and invest more of its budget in the classroom, the district partnered with PSO to become a Peak Performer.

Cache employs a five-pronged strategy to reduce electrical demand during peak events:

  • Adjusting settings on large HVAC units in all district buildings.
  • Turning off HVAC units in vacant auditoriums and gymnasiums.
  • Utilizing programmable thermostats to adjust air temperatures.
  • Turning off all lights that are not in use.
  • Reducing hallway lighting to 50%.

With smart planning and a little help from PSO, Cache Public Schools reallocated thousands of dollars to support classroom supplies and activities. The district reduced demand by 394.81 kilowatts and received $13,195 in Peak Performer incentives.

The cumulative payout made a believer out of District Superintendent Randy Batt.