PSO’s Lighting Rebates Have This Business Owner Beaming

Business Lighting and Electronics

When he upgraded to LED lighting at his family’s hardware store, Easton’s Ace Hardware, he got more than he bargained for.

Receiving $15,000 in rebates from PSO was great. Saving $15,000 in annual electricity costs was even better. But the increase in sales was totally unexpected.

When the new LEDs were installed, store ambiance improved. His employees and customers were happier.

And, suddenly, his paint display looked more inviting. Paint cans started flying off the shelves, giving Kenneth bigger sales and an even bigger return on his investment.

Interior Lighting RebatesPer Unit
LED Interior Fixtures$20-$60
LED Exit Signs$10
High Bay Fixtures:
High Performance Fluorescent
Outdoor Lighting RebatesPer Unit
Parking Garage LED Fixtures$75-$100
Parking Lot LED Fixtures$35-$250
Flood and Wallpack Fixtures$35-$250
Traffic Signals$10-$25

Get bright lights and big savings for your business, just like Kenneth.