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Saving by Design: Design Tricks to Improve Efficiency

electric irony ceiling fan and woman hand. Ceiling fan indoors in the hotel room. Closeup

...few tools, a coat of paint, and a free afternoon to save on utility costs all year long.  Lighten up on paint. Brighter colors boost your mood and they can...

Easy, Cheesy, Tasty Homemade Pizza Rolls

Happy african mother playing, having fun, hugging with her daughter at home

...lined plate. Serve with pizza sauce for dipping if desired. Easy. Cheesy. Tasty. Feel free to spice things up with different ingredients. No matter the fillings you pick, this snack...

Extreme Home (Energy) Makeover: PSO Edition

Close up of Air Conditioning Repair team use fuel gases and oxygen to weld or cut metals, Oxy-fuel welding and oxy-fuel cutting processes, repairman on the floor fixing air conditioning system work harder (and expend more energy) to keep things comfy. “We just couldn’t keep our home comfortable,” says Mike. “Our bedroom was a hot box during the summer and...

Building Blocks: Five Tips for a Stronger, More Energy-Efficient Neighborhood

Grandfather teaching his grandchildren how to grill meal. Family gathering in backyard concept.

Strong neighborhoods build strong communities! When each household makes energy-efficient choices, the impact is truly powerful. Try these simple ideas to help build a stronger, more energy-efficient neighborhood, provided by PSO of Oklahoma! 

Which Water Heater is Right for You? 20 years. So, you may consider an ENERGY STAR®-certified tankless water heater a smart, long-term investment. Heat pump water heaters (HPWH) use electricity to move heat from one place...

What is Phantom Energy and How Do You Stop It?

smiling boyfriend pointing with hand and girlfriend touching fridge in home appliance store

...appliances drain energy when they’re not being used. Yep, even if your TV, computer, or washing machine are turned off, they’re still draining energy. That’s why we call these things...

Shower in 70% Savings with a Heat Pump Water Heater

Do you know your home’s second-biggest energy user? If you guessed “water heater,” you’re correct!After your home’s HVAC, your water heater typically accounts for up to 20% of a home’s energy use.If your electric water heater is 10 years or older, it may give you the cold shoulder — resulting in frigid showers, costly repairs, or even flooding!Upgrade to an ENERGY STAR® certified Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH), which uses up to 70% less energy – and comes with a $600 rebate this October only!

Debunking the 4 Biggest Energy Myths

electric irony ceiling fan and woman hand. Ceiling fan indoors in the hotel room. Closeup

...out. Here are four of the most common myths about energy debunked! Myth #1: “My electronics stop using energy when I turn them off.” Reality: Most electronics and appliances are...